Marcelline Piscador
My works are painted purely on emotions. I have ME/cvs, an auto-immune illness that attacks my corps daily.
Painting for me is calming, while the pains runs trough my corps. I want to take you on my journey, fighting this illness as long as possible. I express myself by keeping my mind creative.
Painting for me is calming, while the pains runs trough my corps. I want to take you on my journey, fighting this illness as long as possible. I express myself by keeping my mind creative.

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Just using different techniques from previous paintings together in 1 painting with only 1 goal, it should be "blue"
Commissioned / sold
I have been diagnosed several years ago with ME.
To find my inner peace I give color to my pains and transfer these on to my paintings.
To find my inner peace I give color to my pains and transfer these on to my paintings.
I love recycling old canvases, they give a very different dimension to an artwork.
With this old canvas in front of me & with "Cats" in the back of my head, I instantly knew how this painting should be.
KYATTSUAI or Cat's-eye.
With this old canvas in front of me & with "Cats" in the back of my head, I instantly knew how this painting should be.
KYATTSUAI or Cat's-eye.
MOYA or mist is a perfect mood for me.
Suffering from "brainfog",
a typical side effect of ME.
I remember every detail of events from my early age of 3, 9, 16 and older, but my short memory is non excisting.
As if I have Fog in my brains.
Suffering from "brainfog",
a typical side effect of ME.
I remember every detail of events from my early age of 3, 9, 16 and older, but my short memory is non excisting.
As if I have Fog in my brains.
My memories fades away.
I'm confused.
I panic,
I forget.
I'm frustrated.
Memories are gone until there is none left.
White brain, blanc pages
A life scentence
I'm confused.
I panic,
I forget.
I'm frustrated.
Memories are gone until there is none left.
White brain, blanc pages
A life scentence
A small busy painting on a blue background.
Being underwater in an ocean or lake and see nothing
no fish,
no reef,
no nothing, just blue water
AIIRO (the deep blue)
Being underwater in an ocean or lake and see nothing
no fish,
no reef,
no nothing, just blue water
AIIRO (the deep blue)
my life classified in colors,
Without planning
a Mondriaan inspired
Many memories
Peeling off
layer by layer
a blanc page
my life classified in colors,
Without planning
a Mondriaan inspired
Many memories
Peeling off
layer by layer
a blanc page
Painting without overthinking to much, just following my mind and see where it leads me to. I painted several (3) of these little works
TAMASHI (soul)
my body is in pain
every single moment
every minute &
every day
Looking for rest,
stopping the constant noise
my head & corps
Looking for my soul
Finding peace
far beneath
the overstimulation
every single moment
every minute &
every day
Looking for rest,
stopping the constant noise
my head & corps
Looking for my soul
Finding peace
far beneath
the overstimulation
A small painting called Seishin or translate as "spirit"
a modern abstract landscape of 15x15 cm, combined with a deep blue background 40x60 cm and painted wire to hold both separate perfect paintings together as 1 complete work
a modern abstract landscape of 15x15 cm, combined with a deep blue background 40x60 cm and painted wire to hold both separate perfect paintings together as 1 complete work
Ishiki or consciousness, just let your eyes see the painting and feel the sensation it gives you
Mixed media on a 30 x 30 cm canvas
kyubu or translated squares
A very first work with a assignment creating a mask in collage using only cold color 1or 2 accents in warm color... I love this work so much myself that it should be part of my gallery.
A small painting of 15x15 cm, framed in a little frame from 30 x 30.
This is a very early work, painted in 2018 as a thank you gift to the staff of the Rustenburg hospital in Brugge/ Belgium.
This is a very early work, painted in 2018 as a thank you gift to the staff of the Rustenburg hospital in Brugge/ Belgium.
KōYA (desert)
Peaceful at first glanz but looking closer you notice the activity just below the surface. That reflex very well what ME is doing to a human body.
YōKI (container)
Abstract artwork from the dark chaos into the organised light.
KONTON (chaos)
I hate to waste paint rests & leftovers of paint while working & painting on other work. I used these rests of paint on a small canvas... a "chaotic" painting as result (sold)
CHō (butterfly)
A surrealistic landscape, with a butterfly wing
KURO JASUI (black sheep)
In any group of people, or in any family there is always "the black cheap"...
Does that count for an angel?
Does that count for an angel?
Hikōjō, airfield is a state of happiness, loving all things around you, humans, spirits... animals & insects even nature full of flowers, trees, grass, fields, blue sky, air.
Hōfu (abundance)
Abstract work
Acrylic on canvas and then I added a small touch of collage in goldleaf.
It evokes images of works by Monet, despite this not being my
Acrylic on canvas and then I added a small touch of collage in goldleaf.
It evokes images of works by Monet, despite this not being my
AKAI TSUKIMI (red moon)
This work reflex so much on my auto-immuun illness.
The landscape that I created was not my goal, but the sentiment you feel by looking at the total work, is more then I hoped for to feel while looking at my red moon painting.
The landscape that I created was not my goal, but the sentiment you feel by looking at the total work, is more then I hoped for to feel while looking at my red moon painting.
NIJI (rainbow)
A collage build up with the prescription of my medication, mixed with acrylic paint, oily wax & soft colored pensils to color the sky.... It reflects on how my body feels with the mixtures of treatments
HANABI (fireworks)
De pains that controls my body are best compared to little bombs exploding like firecrackers/fireworks. Either simultaneously or each one on a seperate time but all with the same painfull effect
BōFU (windstorm)
Living with ME is like storm at sea... I try to hang in on the worst days and love the days when things are fine
No-escaping the reality
No-escaping the reality
Trees are so important in humans live. I'm looking for a way to represent them that makes you feel all the good things by just looking at the painting/collage. All colors used onto this work are handpainted.
Flowers always make me smile. By using my imagination I made the flowers with tiny little harts
Nature always inspire me, when I broke my arm in 2, painting was not that easy, so I started scribbling and from scribbling I started to combine them with using paint tape to work as a collage...
YUME (dream)
Enjoy the lines that can represent anything your imagination tells you & see what the shadow holds for you...
HANA AKA (bloem rood)
Drawing of flowers in black wit a red moon background made of only red harts
HANA KIN'IRO I (bloem gouden)
Drawing in black ink with a golden moon
HANA KIN'IRO II (bloem gouden)
Drawing in black ink with a golden moon (sold)
Pentekening type zentangle waarbij ik uit een wirwar van lijnen toch een beeld weet te vormen dat voor iedereen herkenbaar is...
MADONNA with child
Een type zentangle pentekening waarbij ik uit een wirwar van lijnen toch een beeld weet te vormen
Een type zentangle pentekening waarbij ik uit een wirwar van lijnen toch een beeld weet te vormen dat voor iedereen herkenbaar is
pentekening van veldbloemen.
HANA (flower)
during a workshop with my friends, we made some nice works. This painting was started by Mia and I finished it for her.
JAIANTSU (giants)
What's a minimum of strikes can become.
Knowing that the earth is not doing well, I do believe that the planet Mars is not the sole solution
Inspired by the gardens of Monet's home in Geverny, I worked with many layers on top of other layers until I feel that this is how II see these gardens
HINODE (sunrise)
A beautifull sunrise behind some trees to show that there is beauty in every day and it is wurth to fight for the horror of ME & Fibromyalgia