Art of Katarina Blomberg
Katarina Blomberg
What I am passionate about and inspired by are nature experiences, the archipelago and above all stormy seas with all its colors.

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Katarina Blom
Ocean green
Ocean green is big Waves meeting the sky
Sunny days
Jag har målat av stranden på Megali ammos på Skiathos där vi hyrt ett hus ett år för att måla av de vackra stränderna och de charmiga små gränderna .700
Om my way
On my way is à paintballbanan from my way to pur house from the beach , here i Wall everyday and look at the beatyful flowers and houses in Old town Skiathos
Good morning
Good morning is my First paint in akrylic on a beach
Old town Skiathos
This paint is my First paint from Skiathos