Anneli Holmberg Photography
Anne Li
Welcome to my world of photo art. I'm an artist in photography and Im in love with photography, I hope that this feeling shows in my pictures. I'm self taught . In my work as an artist I use my digital camera or my mobile phone . I love to play with colors in my picture but also monochrome or black&white. My eyes is my lenses and if I see anything that gives me a speciell feeling I shoot the moment.
An early walk in my home city Sundsvall Sweden, I use my Canon digital camera to shoot this . Its the new residential area in the port of Sundsvall . The photography was taken May 2022. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
A man sitting and waiting to be served, food or drinks in perfekt harmony. This photo was taken in June 2022 in a beautiful historic city called Bayeux in France. It was a very beautiful hot day. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
A beautiful walk in a beautiful city called Blois in France. This photography was, taken in June 2022. I use my mobile phone to shoot this photography. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition
They have just started the reconstruction of Sundsvall's inner harbour. Now new homes are springing up for people to buy and rent. The photography was taken 2018 in just that moment on my lunch brake. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
For me it feels like the people are going home after a long days work. The photography was taken in June 2022 at MontStMichel, a magic place to visit. I use my mobile phone to shoot this picture. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
A photography taken at magical MontStMichel in June 2022. It was a hot day a lot of people and it felt like the pandemi never had existed. It was a god feeling. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
View from MontStMichel. In the distance you can see people walking on the lakebed because the water has receded. I use my mobile phone to shoot this photography in June 2022. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
Photo taken by the river Seine in Paris, June 2022. Three friends are sitting and discussing the fate of life or are they talking about the party they are going to that night, who knows? Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
Visiting Barcelona before the pandemic 2019. A beautiful city and beautiful people. It was a hot day so it was natural to spend the day on the nice beach in Kalldelfeldes. Available in canvas & fine art print, limited edition
I wonder if the birds like their view or if they just enjoy the stillness of the view. Photo taken at magical Montstmichael on June 22. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
I love to walk in the forest and to breath in the nature. The best healing and I just feel happy. Why not take a cup of nature every day and go on feeling happy. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
A visit in the beautiful nature that give away strength for free. Feel the power of love surounding you. This photo was taken J uly 2022. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
When I walk in the forest, I am filled with a sense of freedom. This is when my senses come into close contact. A taste of red for the soul. Photo taken July 2022. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
My love for the forest can be compared to the perfect symphony. Everything in harmony. Here it is the power of nature that plays together.The photo was taken on August 2022. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
Shapes, lines and colors appeal to me theese components together become my final product of my art. In this photo, I used a wine glass as a model, it was taken in August 2022. Available as canvas & fine art print, limited edition.
Macrophotography and nature goes hand in hand and I also love B&W. A beautiful walk in nature and the spider agree with me. He likes the flower. The photography was was taken in June 2020. Available as canvas or fine art print, limited edition.
In my hometown Sundsvall you can rest your legs on one of these park benches. The park " Busbacken" is located high up in the South side of the Town. The photography was taken in May 2021. Available as canvas or fine art print, limited edition.
I was touristing in Barcelona in 2019 before the pandemic and saw these Converse shoes lined up in a small shop. They looked confused and interesting so I have to shoot. Available as canvas or fine art print, limited edition.
A morning walk in my hometown Sundsvall in 2021. The houses looked happy from my view. Even a city experiences changes, but it still feels positive. Available as canvas or fine art print, limited edition.
En vacker höstpromenad är ett måste för själen Fotot taget i Söråker, Strandpromenaden
Blue forest
I love trees, expecielly blue trees. Here I can sit and just feel the harmony thats surrounds me and think about nothing...