101 Days of Lockdown Art
Elliott Turner
Every day for the first UK Covid19 pandemic lockdown I recreated works of art and wrote about them. My book is being published on 1st April. Buy it from me direct or on Browndogbooks.uk
Sistine Chapel floor
I recreated Michelangelo's Sistine chapel ceiling on the floor
The very last supper
I recreated Michelangelo's Last Supper using PhotoShop with myself as all the disciples and my Mop head as Jesus.
The old guitarist
I recreated Picasso's The Old guitarist
The Laughing Cavalier
I recreated Franz Hal's laughing cavalier
Smoking a Dildo
I recreated the Smoking Dildo by the great Gilbert & George
Self Portrait with this one ear
I recreated Van Gogh's portrait with a bandaged ear
Saturn devouring his children
The great Francisco de Goya painted Saturn devouring his children I recreated it using Gordon the Gopher.
Saliva von hardon
Otto Dix painted Silvia Von Harden, I recreated it in my dining room with a table cloth skirt and a lumberjack shirt
Very Sick Bacchus
Caravaggio gave u Sick Bacchus, I recreted in the bedroom
David with the head of Goliath
A recreation of Artemisia Gentileschi's painting of David with the severed head of Goliath wearing my welly boots
Stupid Link boy
Joshua Reynolds painted Cupid as a Link Boy, I recreated it in the garden holding a trowel
Flying Devil
I recreated Keith Haring's Flying Devil in the back garden using my red boiler suite, a dinner plate and a red tablecloth
Made You Look, Made You Stare, Made You Loose Your Underwear
This anonymous Netherlands Diptych when translated from Latin literally says Made You Look, Made You Stare, Made You Loose Your Underwear. I couldn't resist. By the way, The middle picture is NOT my bum.